Thanks for visiting my travel blog! I hope you find some great ideas on places to visit and explore.  

As a youngster, and especially as a teenager, I was lucky to travel quite a bit with my family.  I have seen 45 states in the U.S. and most of those have been through the windshield of a 40-foot RV.  Going on a two month trip at age 15 with your parents and your family dog it isn’t something you necessarily appreciate as much as you should, but I truly cherish those experiences and memories now!  I spent my weekends in college and just out of school traveling and doing road trips throughout the South as much as a could.  

A few years later, after moving to DC… my passion for travel flourished and I found myself in love with writing about the places I was able to visit and explore.  So I wanted to share my research, thoughts, and experiences with others in a more personal arena, hence why I started this blog.  I hope it is helpful in inspiring you with ideas of new places or even old places to visit! 

All the best,
